Names found in the Kaye Family Tree
The information contained on this page is based on my complete database. This
includes different Kaye lines originating in present-day Belgium. Since I believe these
lines can eventually be linked to my own line, I have included them in my research.
Revision Date: March
There are a total of 512 different surnames (variations
of the same name are counted separately) and a total of 1905 individuals.
The number of occurences includes alternate spellings for individual
Name |
Number of Occurences |
Kaye |
552 |
Gerard |
63 |
Gilliard, Gillard, Giliart |
45 |
Verkist |
44 |
Capiaux, Capieaux |
36 |
Harboort |
20 |
Knap |
19 |
Orban |
18 |
Kohlmay |
17 |
Merkley |
15 |
Revision Date: March 2003
Names which are included in the table of "Ten Most Common Names" are shown in
boldface (may vary depending on your viewer).
In two cases, names are listed in parenthesis. 1) For names with alternate
spellings, the most common spelling is shown first while the alternate spellings
are shown in parenthesis. 2) Spanish names which are traditionally double names
(father's last name + mother's last name) show the first last name or family
name first while all variations of the name are shown in parenthesis.
Adams Adan Albert Ambroise Amidouch Anderson
Antoine Arnalsteen Arnould Aubry Augustin
Balsat Barbier Barnes Barrette Barsin Barzin
Bassine Batta Baudot Bauwin Beauchamps Bello (Bello Souto) Benito (Benito Hernandez)
Benoit Bernard Blauss Blockman Boclinville Boden Boekels Bogaerts Bolleire Bollen
Bonjean Boon Borremans Bosman Bouillon Boulanger Bounameaux Boutet Bouwens Bovy
Braniella Bresmal Briffoz Brisquet Brochu Brune Bruyère Burnay Buscard
Callens Capiaux (Capieaux) Carballeira Carbonel
Caspari Castiglia Caubergs Cendan Ceulemans Chaine Charlier Charpentier Chaudoir Cherpion
Chevron Cibour Coismans Collart Collet Collette Collin Constant Coors Coppee
Cornelis Cornet Courbe Cox Crête Crozier Cruz
Dagneau Dalzilio Dandois Danthine Dardenne Datillieul Daulmerie David
de Bohon de Fairon de Hamal de Huy de Jupille De Keyser de la Guardia De Leye de Liers
de Malempré de Mora y Moya de My de Petite-Somme de Pierreux de Presseux De Rom Decock
Deconninck Defays Degeneffe Degieve Deguelde Deguila Delaby Delang Delfosse Delgoffe Delgueldé
Delhasse Deliege Delvaux Demaret Demblou Deneef Denis Depatie Depierreux Deprez Dernelle
Deroanne Deroupeaux Deru Deschoenmakers DesCotes Dethise Detiege Detienne Detry d'Eveux
Devienne Deville Devos Devroye Dewaegeneer Dewit Di Placido Dillard Dimartinelly Dodrimont
Dombart Dominguez Doneux Doppaigne Doquir Douxfils Draye Drayeof Dresse du Chesne Duchateau
Duchesne Dumont Duvivier
Eberle Edmond Elias Euveres Evens Everaerts Evrard
Fabry Fairon Fernandez (Fernandez Braniella) Fernando Carballeira
Ferreiro (Ferreiro C. Ferreiro Montes Ferreiro Souto) Féry Fincieur Flecquier Flipkens Fossion
Fox Foyr Fraipont Fraiture Frederickx
Gaedeke Garcia Garcia Rodriguez Garnier Gaspard Gastuche Gelly Geniesse
Georgin Gerard Gilliard (Giliart Gillard) Gilson Glavic
Godefroid Godts Goebel Goffinet Gohy Gonay Gonzalez Gordin Gossiau Graffaert Griepekoven
Grignard Grodent Groffi
Haemmerling Haine Hall Halleux Hannon Harboort Hartwell
Hathaway Hauer Heesackers Hendrixson Henneghien Hennen Heraley Hernandez Hertay Hewett Hèze
Hocq Hocquet Hotta Hottat Houbeau Houser Hoyoux Hubert Hujet Hunstman
Jacmain Jacquart Jacquemin Jadot Jaeger Jamar Janssens Jaspare Jeanquet
Jeanty Jendrin Jennes Jeteur Jones Jordan Jungers
Kay Kaye Kennedy Keyens Kiefler Knap
Kohlmay Kohlmein Kuntze
Labra Remis Laguesse Lallemand Lambeaux Lambert Lampman Landrain Lapaille
Larciel Larsen Larson Laurent LaViolette Layne-Coppa Lecapitaine Leclerq Lecocque Lefèvre
Legrain Legrand Leliqué Lemaître Lemouche Leonard Léonard Lepsir Leroy Linde Lion Lizon Lombarts
Lonergan Long Lorge Lotaire Louis Louppe Luierro
Macedone Maes Magis Magoge Mailleux Malloire Marchand Marcklott Marechal
Mariage Maricq Marien Markley Martinez Massart Materne Mathieu Maurer Menendez (Menéndez Rodriguez)
Merkley Mertens Messian Meunier Michiels Moens Mohimon Mohimont Moite Mones
Montes (Montes Fernàndez) Moore Moortz Morales Motte Mount Movet Moyes Mueller
Navarro Navez Neumann
Olba Orban Orl Ory Osierrerre Otto
Paquay Paques Parapar Parijs Parotte Paul Paulus Peeters Philibert Pickart
Pierre Pirard Pire Pirlot Pirson Pisnière Pissemier Plamondon Pochet Poismans Polet Poncelet Ponsart
Poquet Pourbaix Poussart
Quaempts Quessy Quoibion
Racelle Radoux Ramackers Rasquin Rawlet Redlich Renard Renier Renquet Résimont
Richelle Riga Ripet Rodriguez (Rodriguez Fernandez) Romera Rosoux Rossion Rouhet Ruben
Sallak Salmon Sampous Sanchez (Sanchez Saria) Sante Saria (Saria Mones) Schefiers
Schienker Schimmel Scholl Scholten Schoonjans Schreckengast Schyns Scops Seahuyse Seidlitz Seroggy
Simal Simon Slootmans Smith Smyers Sonmereyn Sonnet Soprito Souto Souto Pico Souto Rodriguez Spendlove
Sperry Staff Stas Stordeur Streel Stroobants Sunderland Swysen
Tambour Terriff Thésia Thévenin Thiboux Thirion Thomas Thomé Thonet Thoot
Thylens Thysen Tomé Martin Toussaint Tremblay Tyrion
Valade Van Effen Van Herck Van Moorter VanCaster V'Andalinden Vanden Brande
Vandenplas Vander Haegen Vander Kelen Vanderhaegen Vanderhelst Vanderholm Vanderlinden Vanderweyden
Vanhamme Vanmot Vannes Vanobbergen Vansantvoort Velroegen Verhulst Verkist Vermeulen
Verniers Vigneron Vincent Vollon Von de Perre Vrancken
Wargé Warny Warzée Wassort Wautier Wautlet Weatherby Weatherford Weeks Wicker
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