Stories from other Kayes around the world is a collection of stories, mostly e-mails, which I have received from others who are researching their family trees. None of these Kayes are actually related to me.
Hello Kaye families,
My name is Michael Kaye and I have been seeking Kay(e) family information for about 6 months. I live in Brantford, Ontario, Canada now but my home is New Brunswick. My line of Kay(e)s comes from Yorkshire. I have record of 2,3,4 families of Kays coming to Canada in 1774 from Yorkshire on the ship The Albion. They landed in Fort Cumberland, Nova Scotia which is on the New Brunswick/Nova Scotia border. The settled in the Sackville/Amherst area. Some of the men moved into Westmorland and Albert Counties in New Brunswick. I have traced the line back to my great,great,great grandfather and mother, William B. Kaye(1778) and Charity Wheaton(1787) who were married in Sackville, N. B. in the early 1800's. However there seems to be a lack of information on their families other than William B. was a member of one of the Yorkshire families and that Charity Wheaton has come from New England.
Any help would be appreciated.
E-Mail dated September 1999. For more information contact: Michael Kaye, jmkaye@attcanada.netCame across your reference to Kaye family, while I was looking for something else... My late husband's name was Kaye Hutchison, his name was supposedly to be a family name, as his grandmother was Eleanor Pattinson nee Kaye. They lived in a coal mining community known as Dunollie on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand. The family originally would have come from South Shields in Northern England. I have some stuff on this family, but there may be no connection between them and the Kaye family you have researched.
Anne Hutchison
(Kaye did not like his name, and used to tell people it was Welsh)
Sometime back, I came across the following in a British magazine- [I hope I didn't send you this last time]:- "Kaye, variations Kay, Keay, Key (E). The main source of this name is from the occupation of someone who either made keys, or held the ceremonial office of a key bearer. (Old English caeg - key), but after that you can take your pick. Kaye is also the topographical name of someone who lived by a wharf or who was employed on one, from the old Middle English. In old French - Kay(e) for quay it was the nickname for a jackdaw. In Middle English, Kay (from Ka of imative origin) was the nickname for a left handed man from the Danish dialect term kei - for left, which was borrowed in the 13th century into the dialects of Lancashire and Cheshire"
E-Mail dated September/October 1999. For more information contact: Anne Hutchison,