E-Mails that I have received asking about Kayes

E-Mails that I have received asking about Kayes is a list of various e-mails. Once or twice a month, I receive an e-mail asking about the Kaye name. Although they are not always directly relevant ot my genealogy work, I enjoy hearing from people. I am always impressed by the number of people surfing the web. For this reason, I thought I would post copies of the e-mails. The ones in italics are related to me.

RE: Message from Internet

Hi Michael

I have just been looking at your website on the origins of the Kaye surname. I have, in our family bible, a reference to one William Holden who lived to be 101 and who was married to a relative of Sir John Kaye of Woodsome Hall, Farnley Tyas which you mention in your site. Unfortunately her christian name is not mentioned. The marriage must have been about 1720-30 I estimate). Do you have any information on this family. I have copies of some of their published pedigrees but have had no luck in making the connection I need. Any help or advice would be most appreciated.


Tim Holden

E-Mail dated June 6, 2000. For more information contact: Tim Holden, tim@wengton.freeserve.co.uk

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